Eastside Waterfront Park Awarded Grant
On May 28, 2020, Boothbay Harbor Waterfront Preservation (Eastside Waterfront Park Project) was informed that our $10,000 grant request from the Davis Conservation Foundation for Building the Boothbay Harbor Eastside Waterfront Park was conditionally approved pending our raising $750,000 in cash and pledges toward the project within two years. We are very pleased to announce that indeed we did raise that amount, in 7 months, and were officially awarded the Davis Conservation Grant in January 2021.
The Eastside Waterfront Park Project has captured the imagination and support of so many generous people, donors large and small, since the very inception of the idea. As we move toward construction of the park this spring we are hoping to reward all those that have supported us with a project worthy of their support.
Ground breaking should begin in a few short weeks. We will try to keep everyone informed of our progress as we move forward. As always if you wish to contribute to the project you may do so by either sending a tax- deductible check to BHWP, P.O. Box 55, Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538 or by making a contribution on our website at: eastsidewaterfrontpark.squarespace.com While on that site you might also want to order an engraved brick for the park path down to the waterfront while there is still time to guarantee that it will be installed this summer. A great way to show your support for the park and to honor friends, family and loved ones. Stay tuned for more updates!